Excerpt From The Book
Harnessing your heart energy

'Unleash The Power Of The Heart And Mind'
This revolutionary new Book shows you how to access the 'POWER of The HEART'. The heart is natures most untapped immense resource therefore utilizing The Power Of The Heart is the most significant choice you will make in life.
Learn how to manage Your Reality by Opening then enlivening The Power Of Your Heart
Enlivening The Heart
This revolutionary new Book shows you how to access the 'POWER of The HEART'. The heart is natures most untapped immense resource. Utilizing the power of the heart is the most significant choice you will make in life.
Learn the techniques to open up The Power of Your Heart giving access to the infinite potential possibilities that truly exist for you. Start to change your reality today, molding your reality to suit what you want from life. Capitalizing and utilizing all your assets to the best advantage makes sense; this is what every successful businessman does. Therefore it is quite logical to utilize the power of the heart consciousness within your daily life.
Start changing your reality today by setting your desires in motion by connecting to the heart consciousness - mold your life to suit what you want to experience. Bring your heart power into play to create the things that you wish in your life through energizing your desires with your heart energy. Find out how to turn the key to open your heart, setting your desires in motion by connecting to the heart conscious. The power of the heart is capable of overcoming almost every negativity without effort.
Achieving Your Desires
Open up your heart and mind to the infinite wonderful experiences that there are available during this life time. Utilising the power of the heart to combine with the consciousness of the mind is the most significant choice you will make.
Heart's Creative Powers
You are actually much more than just the identity that your brain creates, start to open up your heart and mind in combination to realise the infinite wonderful experiences there are available and that can be achieved in this life time.
Create From The Heart
Bring your heart power into play to create the things that you wish in life through energising your desires with your heart energy. Start changing your reality today by setting your desires in motion by connecting to the heart consciousness.
The Wonder of it all
Learn the techniques to open up The Power of Your Heart giving access to the infinite potential possibilities that truly exist for you. Start to change your reality today, molding your reality to suit what you want from life.
Secrets of Creation
Utilize the unlimited Power of The Heart to Create the life that you actually desire and not the one you accept by default. The heart is your most untapped resource with an immense capacity to create and control your reality.
Learn to Master Your Life
The heart is natures most untapped and immense resource that is freely available that you can easily call on to change your reality as you desire. Utilizing the power of the heart is the most significant choice that you will make in life.